
Tips of Fully Funded Scholarships in Romania

Studying in Europe offers global students an excellent opportunity to further their education while immersing themselves in a new cultural environment. Europe hosts some of the world’s most prestigious universities and academic institutions, offering a wide range of academic fields and disciplines. There are numerous scholarship opportunities available in Europe for international students, and one of the most prominent options currently open for application is the fully funded Romania Government Scholarship.


This scholarship allows international students to pursue higher education at renowned universities in Romania. It covers tuition fees, accommodation, a monthly living allowance, and other benefits. Notably, this scholarship does not require an application fee, and English proficiency tests like IELTS or TOEFL, as well as standardized tests like SAT, ACT, or GRE, are not mandatory.

Open to students of all ages, the scholarship includes a wide range of academic fields, including science, technology, engineering, math, humanities, and more. Romania stands out as an excellent choice for students seeking to experience different cultures, earn internationally recognized degrees, and enhance their language skills amid rich cultures and picturesque landscapes.

I will provide an overview of the fully funded Romanian Government Scholarship programs for this year’s academic session. However, before I dive into the details, I encourage you to subscribe to this feed to stay updated on the latest scholarship opportunities worldwide. Thank you.


Annually, the Romanian Government offers scholarships through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to citizens from non-EU countries.

Eligible candidates must have an excellent academic record with a minimum score of 7 out of 10 in the Romanian grading system.

Applicants can choose their study programs in all fields except medicine, dental medicine, and pharmacy for bachelor’s and master’s programs.

At the Ph.D. level, programs are available in English or another foreign language specified by the doctoral school.

Candidates who do not speak Romanian receive a preparatory year to study the language before starting university studies.

This provision does not apply to doctoral scholarship holders who choose a program in a foreign language specified by the doctoral school.

The Romania Government Scholarship covers expenses including enrollment fees, tuition costs, monthly allowances, accommodation, medical assistance, transportation, and study visa fees.

It is open to applicants from all non-European Union countries, with some exceptions.

Candidates can choose from three study cycles: bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, and doctoral programs.

Each cycle has its length and requirements, and candidates must meet specific criteria and follow prescribed application submission procedures.

To complete the application, candidates must upload several documents separately in PDF format, including diplomas, transcripts, a copy of the birth certificate, passport or national identity document, curriculum vitae, and a letter of intent for doctoral applicants, among others.

The deadline for submitting applications for the Romania Government Scholarship is March 16th. Applicants are encouraged to check the description for more information on how to apply. The results of the scholarship selection process will be communicated via email on July 15th.

For detailed information on how to apply for the Romania Government Scholarship, please refer to the description section of this video. Ensure that all application materials are submitted well in advance to be considered for this scholarship opportunity.

Here is a list of fully funded scholarships available in Romania:

1. **Romania Government Scholarship**: A fully funded scholarship program offered by the Romanian Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for international students from non-EU countries. It covers tuition fees, accommodation, a monthly living allowance, medical assistance, transportation, and study visa fees.

2. **Erasmus+ Scholarships**: Fully funded scholarships provided by the European Union for international students, including those interested in studying in Romania. The scholarships cover tuition fees, travel expenses, insurance, and monthly living expenses.

3. **CEEPUS Scholarships**: Fully funded scholarships offered through the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS) for students from Central and Eastern European countries, including Romania. The scholarships cover tuition fees, accommodation, and monthly allowances.

4. **Fulbright Scholarships**: A fully funded scholarship program funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, offering opportunities for international students to study in Romania. The scholarships cover tuition, living expenses, travel, and health insurance.

5. **Visegrad Fund Scholarships**: Fully funded scholarships provided by the International Visegrad Fund for students from Visegrad Group countries and neighboring countries, including Romania. The scholarships cover tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses.

6. **ASEM-DUO Fellowship Program**: A fully funded fellowship program under the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) framework, offering opportunities for academic exchange between universities in Asia and Europe, including Romania. The fellowship covers tuition fees, travel expenses, and living allowances.

These are some of the fully funded scholarship opportunities available for international students interested in studying in Romania. It’s crucial to check specific eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and required documents for each scholarship program.

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